Quint Digital Media Ltd (QDML) reported a net profit of Rs 45 lakh for the quarter ended March. During the previous quarter, the company had reported a net profit of Rs 18 lakh. Its revenue for operations for the fourth quarter of the year 2021 stood at Rs 6.56 crore, up from Rs 6.23 crore in the third quarter.
During the nine-month period ending March 20201, Quint Digital posted operating revenue of Rs 18.03 crore, and profit after tax of Rs 1.70 crore. Quint Digital’s programmatic and partner revenues have contributed 25% of the overall revenue during the fiscal under review.
According to the statement released by the company, it states that, “The management is confident that its digital properties have entered a phase of sustained profitable growth.”
The company said that its audience footprint across the websites and various digital platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, is also strong and diversified.
In addition, the digital properties had nearly 14.8 Million subscribers/followers across various platforms at the end of FY 20-21. The management is confident that its digital properties have entered a phase of sustained profitable growth.
A digital media company, Quint Digital offers news through platforms in various genres, such as politics, businesses, opinions, entertainment, sport, technology aspects, health and fitness, gender, blogs, hot wires, photos and videos, and international news. Quint Digital Media serves customers in India.