Member Directory

We are more than just advertisers.

We are creators with a flair for art that sells. Our people are handpicked to enchant you with ideas that you have never seen before.

We are beyond ordinary. We unleash the passion we hold in our hearts and let it rub into each other to ignite a light that shines through every platform, every medium.

We carry the same passion when we take your brand stories to the world. We understand your need, your vision, the audience you cater to and bring them all together to create an impactful storytelling experience.

Our people are our biggest strength. Their relentless efforts and creativity with a touch of insanity is the fuel that inspires us to push new limits every day.

We have a dynamic bunch of writers, designers, strategists, coders and business managers, but through it all, we always stay a team. A team that works, dreams and breathes excellence. That’s what makes us Velocita.